Wednesday 16 June 2010


World Cup Fever is here!!
The Canadians are a funny bunch when it comes to footy. Most of them refer to it as Soccer, but if you're English and you mention Football, they know what you mean... i.e. not that NFL malarkey.
However most will pretend that the World Cup is - 'some soccer tourny thing eh?', when in reality the Canadian TV coverage is brilliant. CBC has dedicated itself to airing EVERYmatch live in HD, and has English commentary from Nigel Reed and a couple of English lads for post game analysis - to be honest it's better than the brummy guy from Apprentice and Gareth Southgate - so I'm pleased :).
However I could not bare to enter a 'pub' and not get that proper English patriotic feeling of euphoria that one get's when walking into a local in the UK.
So I invited all the English that I know round on Saturday to watch the first England match (England Vs USA), plus one American :).
OK, so the game was not exactly full of thrills, but we painted our faces, rented 87 pints of local ale (in a keg, with a pump), Kath made steak and kidney pies for everyone and we drank from noon until midnight (those who lasted).

I hope to repeat the process this Friday afternoon and for all the England games to come - we have flags and the house if flying the George Cross proudly.
Andy just gave me two car flags also - I'm wary of putting them on though - for fear of getting the car keyed :)

Come on England!

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Boston Holiday 2010

So this is the final picture of our Boston trip and if you haven't already seen on facebook we had a wicked time in Boston and loved seeing old friends (not meant in an age sense Nik!!)

This is Raj enjoying noodles in a box and didn't want them unless they were boxed as in 'all American movies, our final evening and the first Chinese Ive had since leaving the UK 14 months ago!!!

Hayden and his new Canadian Friends...Beaver and Moose!

The stunning views of New Brunswick...we must have driven for hours before seeing another car on the road.  Here Hayden and Raj stopped to stretch legs while I changed and fed Taryn.

Lets start at the beginning...a 13 hour trip across the Canadian/US border, 4/5 tolls (including the pricey one to leave PEI) and 2 very tired children later we arrived in Boston.

Nikki's apartment block.  They were lovely even an appearance of the Danvers Police to welcome us!! LOL

Nikki and our 'Pal' Matt in Salem on our first outing.

Paddling in a fountain in Salem, it was so hot I would have joined them if I didn't need to drive home!

Nico and Hayden became excellent friends and had a great time together...

...and Taryn loved Auntie Nikki, it was a red hair thing.

Yes they found another fountain to get run around in, this one much bigger and more fun including Raj and I!
Very cool picture of the boys in Boston.

In the aquarium Hayden got to hold a starfish.

The Rajamanie's in 'Cheers', definitely didn't know our names!!

Baby on the Bar :)

Raj's third baby on the bar!

Boston from the sea on our Whale Watch trip.

Taryn having a fabulous day :)

27 miles out and still see the skyline.  Very patriotic shot!

A whale, Fin Shark to be precise.

Taryn and her first pair of Clark's shoes, 2 1/2 G.

First day on the beach, loving the sand and eating quite a lot of it!

Raj loving time with the boys making sand sculptures.

Nico and Hayden chilling and burying each other in the lovely white sand.

The sand turtle.

Taryn's first paddle, it was so cold and a bit of a shock to the system.

Family shot int he waves.

and I end on a picture of my other Man...he is growing up so quickly, he is cheeky and definitely his fathers son!  He is also adorable and clever...obviously from me!!