Sunday 30 November 2008


Well call us stupid if you want but hey...

I've just transferred £409 ($750 CDN) to some bloke I don't know whose details are Glen Strickey, Charlottetown :)

This is to secure a house for 12 months... I have a nightmare that I'll turn up in January to find someone living there, oblivious, and I'll be stuck out in the cold with no one to blow!

The things we do for this adventure... stupid things. Glen... you'd better be legit!

Friday 28 November 2008

It's A Scam!

Everyone wants money, just to let you leave the country, admin fee this, redemption fee that.

We have found a nice house that we're trying to rent, but it requires us to pay December's rent also (I don't arrive until Jan), but at least it's security to know we have somewhere sorted for 12 months and can send our worldly goods to.

Good thing is, Kobayashi is allowed and it's only 10 minutes walk from the studio, so I won't need that 4x4 for a while :)

Monday 24 November 2008

First Blog!


So a recap then for anybody who's not up to speed on this whole venture.
So October 28th I pop into the London Games Career Fair for a chat with programmers to find out if I can make it in the games industry with my background and earn around £30K straight away.
I bump into these Canadians who are very friendly, later after a bit of Street Fighter 4 I go to say goodbye, but they've already gone! L.
On my way out I check out this other Canadian stand who aren't advertising what they do, instead they're promoting a 'way of life' and showing off the island, Prince Edward Island, where they work.
I sit down and chat to the programmer guy and realise after while that he's virtually interviewing me. For some bizarre reason I happened upon them at around 6pm, and their 6pm interviewee had not turned up… so I guess they chose me instead.
Well, not to bore you with anymore details, they scheduled a phone interview for the 5th November (yes I WILL remember, remember that date!), and offered me a job on the 6th.
I had to decide over the next 3 days wheather my family and I should ditch everything, our successful jobs earning over £60K a year, our cars, our families and our house and risk it all for a job on a far away island that reaches -32°.

The answer was yes – I start in January!