Monday 24 November 2008

First Blog!


So a recap then for anybody who's not up to speed on this whole venture.
So October 28th I pop into the London Games Career Fair for a chat with programmers to find out if I can make it in the games industry with my background and earn around £30K straight away.
I bump into these Canadians who are very friendly, later after a bit of Street Fighter 4 I go to say goodbye, but they've already gone! L.
On my way out I check out this other Canadian stand who aren't advertising what they do, instead they're promoting a 'way of life' and showing off the island, Prince Edward Island, where they work.
I sit down and chat to the programmer guy and realise after while that he's virtually interviewing me. For some bizarre reason I happened upon them at around 6pm, and their 6pm interviewee had not turned up… so I guess they chose me instead.
Well, not to bore you with anymore details, they scheduled a phone interview for the 5th November (yes I WILL remember, remember that date!), and offered me a job on the 6th.
I had to decide over the next 3 days wheather my family and I should ditch everything, our successful jobs earning over £60K a year, our cars, our families and our house and risk it all for a job on a far away island that reaches -32°.

The answer was yes – I start in January!

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