Sunday 12 July 2009

Weird Creatures

Canada will have you believe that it's indigenous population of insects and other such stuff is all harmless and great, and that they kept the black rat out of the country during the great plague was a defining moment.
However... as for the ones that are here... they are over sized, as if from the Triassic age, and I'm not even sure some should exist on this planet!
I have been snapping them whenever possible, and here's my collection thus far... enjoy.

This is some weird Caterpillar type thing, but only has a few legs/spikes on either end, and moves really... weird...

We have Ants in England of course, this guy was moving too fast for me to get a decent 'lock on', and I had nothing in the foreground to give it any perspective... but rest assured it was bigger than my thumb!!

I've never seen a Jellyfish before, except the ones in Finding Nemo. This guy crept up on me from behind, I turned around to find him saying 'Hello' about 2 feet from my position - the round bit was about a foot in diameter and the tentacles stretched for about a metre!

Don't know what the hell this is!

1 comment:

Jo said...

IS that Hayden's eye? Freaky! Hope it got out pretty sharpish without any trauma.

I LOVE the weird caterpillar thing, it's 'proper sci-fi'