Sunday 23 August 2009

Hurricane Bill Part 2

Who is... Bill..? hmmm?

Well it seems that Bill preferred the open water and started heading North East after hitting Halifax, below.
You see, it's people like this that give Hurricanes a bad rep!!

A few thousand homes are out of power in Nova Scotia, but all we seem to have had here is lots of rain and very hot, muggyness.

Tried to go to the cinema to see Quentin Tarantino's new film, but the cinema air con was broken and it was boiling in there. Perhaps I'll just watch Quentin's 5th movie instead... seems apt :)

So unless Bill changes his mind and changes direction, he'll be heading out towards Newfoundland and then up North, where 'tis grim before leaving this earthly realm.

Move along people.... nothing to see here, mmkay?

1 comment:

Russell said...

The remnants of Hurricane Bill has veered across the North Atlantic and is going to shed it's water and blow it strong breeze across the UK tomorrow! Have the forecaster's got it right? We will know on Thursday. Glad it did not affect PEI. The Corvette is nice, but who the heck is Emma Hill?