Tuesday 27 April 2010

15" Black Rubber Cock!!!

Nuff said...

LOL, the biggest oxymoron of all time, my 'deluxe PVC' pool cue case :)
So tacky with it's red velvet interior that I could not help but be completely immature and give it an appropriate name... in Tipex, written at the bar just before we left.
Nicole said 'These guys are representing Charlottetown',
to which Andrew (Dooly's manager) could only reply in his best Jack Dee impression... 'Classy'. :)
However the 15" Black Rubber Cock was well received in Halfax and 50/60 years olds found it funny - proving that my teenage antics apply to men of all ages...

The tournament was in Halifax, Nova Scotia and it took around 4 hours to get there on Friday night.
Here's my room, I chose to share with Danny as we figured he didn't snore and knew that both bob and Chester did. Luckily Danny didn't even stay so I had this room all to myself :)

We were welcomed in our room with free beer, a beer cooler case from the sponsers and  engraved beer glasses... nice.
Couldn't stay long though, the buffet dinner started at 7:30pm so a quick freshen up and drink of the free beer and we were out to Dooly's to register and meet the other teams.

Chester is an idiot!, It's official, he must have spent a fortune trying to get the 'Nastiest' shots available for us to down, we went through a lot as they were'nt 'nasty' enough - some actually quite tasty.

See.... 15" Black Rubber Cock gags are funny to all ages :) Especially after many nasty shots...

Friday night we headed out to a Country and Western bar called Rockin' Rodeo. I promised Bob that I wouldn't publish any pictures from the walk home... but I didn't say I wouldn't talk about it!!...
Heh heh, suffice to say it was a good night, took us quite some time to stumble back to our hotel, where we crashed at 4am. Bob was escorted back to his room at 5am or something when he was found waundering the halls in his boxers!! ROFL.
And at 6:55am Danny comes knocking on the door shouting 'Come one let's go!'.
We had to get showered, breakfasted and to Dooly's by 7:30am or something.
Shane who was in Halifax elsewhere this weekend met us and we began our first game of the day.

Chester's Dad was here.. LOL.. (Not really his Dad... so he claims...)

There were a ton of great guys and gals in the teams. The Dooly's staff were awesome and the event well organised. We had 7 rounds to play EACH team and each player once. The total scores cummulative throughout the day. It was a marathon which took about 10 hours. The team from St John's, NewfoundLand were a bit serious compared to everyone else and it showed in thier game, taking an early lead.
When it became apparent that we would not score as much as them, we just had fun.
Bob (who's a twat by the way) had a Whiskey in his coffee at 8:30am, and then proceeded to buy me a Long Island Ice Tea shortly afterwards. 
It starts...
We decided to have 1 pint per round.
Round 7 was against the team from Sackville, Nova Scotia - and both me and Bob were on about 11 pints by then.
We had a great game with these guys, who were likeminded drunks, dancing and having a good laugh.

This is Archie, who being quite drunk, saw me and Steve dancing and thought our game was over (the final game for us), so he started emptying the balls from the pockets before he realised that we were still playing!!. His team kaned him for it, because Steve was winning LOL.
We had to start again, but luckily there were no complaints - after all it was the Fun League.

Oh.. and there goes Archie after Nick dropped him....

It was a great weekend and a great Saturday.
After the games were done we had a buffet dinner, a Comedian came in and did a stand up routine and prizes were given out.
Bob, who'd been kind enough to pay for all the drinks tallied up the bar total when he decided that he should stop drinking and we discovered that we'd had 18 pints each!!!
I haven't done such drinking since Prague a few years ago, which was a stag do.
Bob died shortly afterwards and crawled home, much to everyone's concern, as the previous night's escapades had proven he might get into trouble when left to waunder alone :)
But he made it!.
I continued to drink a couple more pints I think, making 20 pints total + a tequila, before heading to Rockin' Rodeos again with a lad from Saskatchewen.
The guys from Corner Brook, NewfoundLand were heavy drinkers and lasted the full day with us, but Burn was not allowed into Rodeos for being too drunk... he was about 60 and praised us for being able to not only keep up, but beat them at thier own game - clearly, these guys are hard to beat - and I think you have to be British to be able to do it :)

It was really good, and thankfully Chester did not drink on Saturday as much as he did on Friday night by any means, so drove us home on Sunday, whilst me and Bob slept :)


Kat said...

...and the family was missed!

Matt said...

Nice Cock