Sunday 7 June 2009

Time Off

Weekends seem to have been really busy for one reason or another. We had our birthday's last week and went to Jax and Wendy's for the football, and played Talisman. I think the week before we had a Talisman night, Kath was working in the daytime and other stuff. We seem to have had people round for BBQs or gone to places and it's been pretty hectic weekends.

Looking back over my blog it's been pretty devoid of photographs - and therefore I apologise, but it's just been a lot of Talisman, BBQs, Drinking with friends, Work and trying to get our finances in shape.
But this weekend we had no one round and it's been pretty lush.
I looked after Hayden yesterday morning and we went to the park to play football and then we chilled and watched TV and The Apprentice (downloading it from the UK) - no spoilers please!.
Today Kath did not work in the morning and we all went to the park, walked the boardwalk and went through the woods.
The weather here has gotten really awesome and the springtime greenery has put everything in place for the summer.
Here's a small part of Victoria Park - this is where we play football.
Tourists are out taking Horse and carriage rides and the Hippo bus is also out - an amphibious vehicle that tours both the town and the coastline... from the water :)

Here we are playing football - no not Soccer.

Although these Canadians sound American in 'much' of the accent, I was told once that referring to Hockey as Ice Hockey would be like 'them' referring to Football as Soccer - they know the difference, and it's quite popular here.

I'm glad that, after last weekend's FA Cup final, Hayden has gotten much better at kicking the ball instead of picking it up with his hands and really looks forward to going for a kick about... sorry a kick aboot; )

He also likes to be spun around and then tries to get to the ball and kick it.

Usually ending in an epic fail, as dizziness and gravity force him in completely the wrong direction... LOL

Here's the boardwalk that is extremely peaceful at the moment. The odd jogger, power walker or blade roller scooting by. The sea was calm and the air fresh with a nice light breeze.

These are my new rocks!
I had some rocks in Caister when I lived there, Me and Dave claimed them. Me and Hayden have a rock here just to the left of that bottle in the above picture, which we have claimed and will write our names on one of these days.

When we follow the boardwalk all the way around it leads to a big playground and park. There's even a free swimming pool, but it's not quite open yet to the public. It all overlooks the bay and the water - it's very serene.
There was also a very large man here!

Hayden went to play with the bigger boys as usual.

Kath commented on how the two of us NEVER get photographed together, we're always taking picture of friends and other couples, but nobody ever seems to take any of us together, so we normally get posed, out of focus shots taken by passers by.
Which reminds me...


Why IS IT exactly that in 2009, with Digital cameras in their 12 Mega pixel Epoch, and the majority of the world owning digital cameras, does NOT ONE SINGLE passer by EVER know how to half press a digital camera button to focus, and then press fully to snap. I mean it's been around for years!! Everyone has one, are everybody's pictures out of focus, blurry and crap?

Please tell me if you've EVER found a passer by who knows how to operate a digital camera... I'd love to hear about it.
100% of the ones I've met always ask me ' Do I just press this one?'... I mean.. ??? REALLY!!

Is it like saying 'Good morning'?, is it a pleasantry to ask such a thing... 'do I just press this one? ' Come on!!! 2009... I always feel compelled to tell them,

"Yes that one, press it halfway to focus it, and then press it fully... and by the way you don't have to jerk your forefinger down as if initiating a nuclear attack!... just apply a little amount of pressure, otherwise if you push too hard the camera will end up pointing downwards , possibly cutting off our heads, and the motion will make the image blurry... ok?... actually perhaps I shouldn't let you hold such an expensive item!!"

Anyway, not wanting to run the risk of a blurry, pointless picture I decided that now Hayden is old enough he could take control and start taking pictures of me and Kath properly.
OK... that didn't go as planned... but he is very short and it was his first ever photo.

Take: 2...

Take: 3...
Much better... no need to ever worry about those passer by quality photos again.

David Bailey Jr is in the house.

As we travelled home, I'm pretty sure I managed to snap a photo of Sasquatch!!!


Jo said...

When we went to visit Falklands House recently I was asked by a couple to photograph them outside the houses of Parliament. Cue: five minutes of me scrolling through the camera to adjust the white balance and shutter speeds, then moving them around to ensure the best shot, then waiting until the large truck was gone from the left of the frame to ensure a balanced composition......sometimes the camera shy point and shoot brigade are the best!

Love Hayden's photos. PEI looks like a great place in the sunshine. xxx

Doucha said...

Ha ha...

I want YOU yo pass me by one day!