Thursday 17 December 2009

Still Working?

Yep still working, 8:30pm.
Really don't want to be working this weekend or over the xmas holidays... so
Still no time to update with photos of the house, answer Skype calls, deal with money issues in the UK or anything.

It's wake up, shower, dress up warm, stand in -12 degrees for 20 hacking at the ice wall formed at the front of the drive by the main road snow plough, brush off car, grab a muffin, drive to work. Work. Come home kiss kids, who are asleep, kiss wife goodnight, sit and have a cup of tea or beer, watch Top Gear, sleep. Lather rinse repeat.

It's becoming addictive!
But I do miss seeing Hayden, Taryn and being able to help Kath out with them - 24/7 she has them at her heels with no respite for 3 weeks or more now.

I must finish a big chunk tonight - will stay another hour or more.

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