Wednesday 10 February 2010


Yesterday Charlottetown finally made it onto Google's Street View... yay!

Now you can take a virtual tour of our new home here on PEI.

More importantly than that though....
Afew months back, in the summer I was walking to work and saw the Smart car or whatever it was driving down the road towards me. A big pole sticking out of the top with a ball on top.. a ball of cameras. I thought it was the Google Street view car but wasn't sure just in case I kept my eye on it - I think I even waved or gave it the thumbs up :)

Anyway, turns out it was the Google car and it did snap me! LOL

Click on the link to see me walking to work :) <---

They got me off guard however and instead of grinning or waving I was simply captured in one of those natural, surprised moments... just like Sasqwatch was...

... that's twice they've got me... I thoguht if I shaved they wouldn't find me again! Damn invasion of privacy if you ask me!
Ryan in work spotted that one and made the image - I thought it was hilarious and had to share.

If you're unfamiliar with Street View, it's awesome! A small car drives around towns with a bunch of cameras attached taking 360 degree shots every few metres. As a result you can go to the town, in Google Maps, drag the little yellow guy onto the road you want to view and Blammo - you're in a virtual 3D representation of the town captured as it was the day the car drove by. So I'm immortalised in the Google world, which is nice, I guess until they update it, which will be years away.



Tsung said...

"AS if by magic, the shopkeeper appeared". Gratz on the Google snap, but I'm confused.. If you go further down the street and turn the camera back, we can still see you.. However, go one frame back (Junction Churchill Ave/Spring Street) and you are no-where to be seen. Not approaching the junction or on the sidewalk.. It's as if you appeared from nowhere!

Doucha said...

LOL, I guess they took those shots at another time or something.. maybe they went road the block - I suppose at a junction, they have to go one direction, then come back later and go the other way so they have a choice of photos?

Who knows... I wdefinately didn't appear though. :)