Saturday 18 April 2009

More strangers...

Well Kath has been here for nearly two weeks and having got over jet lag and cleaning, changing the house finally started getting out and about and more confident with the place.
I invited a whole bunch of work colleagues and friends over to meet her and she made a massive beef curry and we had some nibbles and beer.
She wanted to meet people so I tried to invite those would bring their wives/girlfriends along to meet and chat to her and hopefully spark up a communication channel for the future.
John and Jess were coming, but our boss 'Beep', called a last minute girls night for the female staff, so John turned up with some cider. Bob and Maggie followed at around 7:45pm.
Conversation was good and Hayden kept everyone entertained with a reenactment of the epic Episode I - The Phantom Menace light sabre battle. I was Qui-Gon he told me, and he was Darth Maul. 'Duel Of The Fates' was playing and at one point he even told me to kneel down and close my eyes at one point, just as Qui-Gon does!
JR turned up followed by the , as always, late Matt.
Plenty of curry to go round, people were loving it an having 3rds!
Then Ryan and Ashley, Chris and Krista and two n00bs, Danny - and I think her name was Michelle turned up.
They brought with them some dodgy local home brew beer they'd bought off of some beggar. It was disgusting!
The night went well and Kath had a good time meeting everyone and laughing at the big gay bloke, Danny, who was not gay apparently.... just very, very camp :)
Hayden went down well and we stayed up until nearly 2am, Kath included.
And she was totally OK with these new strangers walking in uninvited... it's just the way they roll here!

In other news, I am awaiting a new PC at work so that I can move onto a new project to do with Leapfrog. Yay, no more Mac!
However whilst I've got the Mac I asked Gordon if I could help out with anything, front end stuff or some grind work.
Of all the luck he's allowed me to do some small, and I mean small, bits and bobs on our new tech and game engine.
It's was really nice getting to work on some library stuff, and getting a feel for some tech and decent C++ again, as I'm so rusty.
I decided to add some nice little camera features in, but had trouble with pointers - it's been too long since I worked with this stuff.
I hoe to go in on Monday and finish it before Gordon gets in, I think he'll find it useful and I want to prove that I can work on this level - in the future.
Right now however I am still enjoying the level of programming I am doing, because it's all on the higher end, more game logic and game play - which is the fun part of games programming - exactly what I want to be doing. Of course getting your hands dirty with a little core tech code once in a while won't hurt anything and is great experience.

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