Wednesday 4 November 2009

All Hallows Eve

As I said a few posts ago, Halloween over here, as far as outfits and costumes go, is not always scary, with people dressing up as super heroes, pizzas and other such stuff that we - in the UK, might do at New Year.
However the actual night is probably much bigger and more involved than anything I've experienced in the UK.
We managed to get 'oot and aboot' after all and went to Dooly's who were hosting a Halloween party and dressed the place up.
We didn't bring all our stuff from the UK, so last year's Wicked Witch of the West and Voodoo Bloke were resurrected.

Before that though, and the thing that really got me and Kath int he mood to dress up, make an effort and get out was the Trick Or Treat session we had with the kids. Our street, and a bit further on, the wealthy Brighton area of Charlottetown was sooo into it, it was fantastic.

In the UK, the scary aspect and pub/club/house parties are great - but when it comes to Trick Or Treat... well I've never had such fun. You normally get the teenagers who actually do scare you! It starts 3 days before 31st October, and when you actually take your kids out, there's maybe 3% of the houses on the street ready with sweets and dressed their house up. The rest are hiding away or purposely gone out for the night.

Not here though, houses dressed up to the max, and people with baskets and baskets full of goodies. Not just sweets - crisps, drinks, chocolate... tons of stuff. They left with a full carrier bag full of goods.
I did Hayden's make up much better this time but went too close to his eye with the black. He ended up rubbing it into his eye and smudging it right off the bat, but that's the great thing about Heath Ledger's version - the make up can be messed up and it makes it even more menacing.

You can't read his Joker face... ;)

This old witch was sat in her porch - ready for all the kids. You can imagine it, she got dressed up and said 'Right Lloyd, I'm off to sit in the porch for 2 hours, you watch the NHL'
She had bags of goodies all waiting

This house and some really cool features on the way up to the door.

More goodies from this lady. It's almost regulated. Apparently there's a curfew of no Trick Or Treating past 8 O' Clock, so it's really cool because everyone is geared up for the 5-8pm session. And only on that one day so they remain in the spirit I guess.

This lady, is actually a nice lady... but she didn't need make up to scare!

One of the bigger houses. Incidentally I never saw any teenagers out, only kids up to about 12ish all with parents.

This house was the nuts!
Not only was it well decorated, but the house itself was just.. haunted looking. And it had a great big baby stood outside!

An evil shot!

This is like some sort of mansion - the boys were not intimidated at all. Conner always being the first to rush the door and bash it down shouting 'Trick Or Treat', and then turning and shrugging when people didn't immediately appear :)

It felt so safe, all three of the boys went inside this place to get their treats and us parent were miles away -down a long path anyway. I ran up to snap them just as they returned - still alive and unharmed.

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