Saturday 7 November 2009

Confederation Bridge

Our parents have been over to visit us and see Hayden and meet Taryn, but they've come all this way and its been pretty much the norm as far as a visit goes. They've not really had a holiday, so to speak.
I had my time off work for Taryn's birth, we get 5 days full pay, and due to the current schedule for my project amongst other issues there's no way I can have any time off at the moment.
During my Dad's first week here I was working 9, 10 and 11pm for three nights running.
But, such is the games industry, and especially when things are badly scheduled and budgeted and there's unforeseen things going on.
Anyway, In order to rectify this, Lee rented a big Christler Caravan 7 seater so we could all go sightseeing over the weekend. This is great for us, since I've not left the island... ever!
Yesterday they went out and saw Cavendish etc, places where I've been as I was at work, but today we took a long road trip to Moncton. This is across the Confederation Bridge.
I suppose I should give what little facts I know about this bridge here before you see some pictures, because it is one of the most amazing things. It's late and been a long day - so I'm not going to Google all the facts for your pleasure.. you can do that :)
What I will do is spur on your interest by telling you things form memory - some of which may be entirely wrong or overly exaggerated - you can go Google it further if you care.
So here goes....
The only way to get to Prince Edward Island was by ferry, up until about 10 years ago. This is when they opened the bridge.
The bridges stretches something like 12km across the sea to New Brunswick.
It took 3 years to build, I read something about it once, the size of the bits of concrete that was used was staggering. They had this big custom barge made in Holland or somewhere that travelled at 1 knot carrying these HUGE sections of road out over the ocean, and then lowered into place, onto big pillars.
It's REALLY cool.

This is the bridge, it is so tall. Apparently it has dips and hills, turns and bends, in order to keep drivers alert. Fear that a straight road would be too mundane and people would lose focus and drive off of the thing into the icy water below :(.

Possibly the first picture of both me and Kath together in months!
The weather was really cold today, but the sun was struggling to get through the clouds, making it some sort of wierd bright... overcast day.
But it did help to make this picture really moody :)

After we stopped and took a load of pictures from the base of the bridge, we continued our journey to Moncton and the long drive across the water.
The bridge costs $42.50 toll, to get off the island, although it's free to go the opposite way. It was much... thinner than I expected, just one lane. Kath was driving and got a bit freaked out when we climbed a hill in the middle of the bridge... LOL

And then we went on to Moncton - more about that in another post. It was great to get off the island, and I hope that the parents felt more on holiday having this trip out today and yesterday.

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