Sunday 1 November 2009

The Fall...

... or Autumn as we call it in the UK. I have to admit that most things British are named correctly... Football for example... but, The Fall makes much more sense than Autumn, and I think I'm going to call it that from now on.

I said before that the colours in PEI are just much more vivid than the UK. Prime example being the grass... it just seems.. greener - no pun intended. It really does.
Right now the place looks really awesome.
Christian said that in the fall it looks like someone has photo shopped the island and just enhanced all the colours... he's right.

We went for a drive the other day to the middle part of the island, past through Cornwall.

This is what PEI is all about, just some incredibly serene views and peace out in the country side. And this is only 5 minutes out of Charlottetown - I plan on having some picnics next year out in the country.

The weather is odd at the moment, the other day there was frost on the ground and it was really cold and icy out, in Denver - the US, there was thick snow and blizzards. Then the very next day the sun is shining and it's actually warm - not even brisk.
Last night we went out without coats, on Halloween night?

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