Wednesday 27 January 2010

Detox Update

So the story so far.

Day 1
Had some really tasty recipes. Didn't notice anything but ate normally as far as portions were concerned.

Really hungry, ate only detoxy type snacks, Rice cakes, nuts, fruit etc. and portions were pretty huge. Had some lovely Aubergine rolls.

Day 3
Eating a lot and snacking a lot. Caffeine headaches started in the evening. Running to the toilet a lot.

Day 4
Food was bland and tasteless. The main reason was that I was starting to eat left overs for lunch and Kath had bought (correctly so) ingredients that would not get wasted. This meant that by now although the meals were different it was still the same old flavours I'd been having for past couple of days - carrots, courgettes, tomatoes in one form or another.
Had a headache just above my eyes all day and my legs really ached when I woke up.
Bad wind, lots of toilet runs.

Day 5
Kath made Spicy rice which was awesome and I went and bought some more supplies, hummus and raisins. My legs started to ache really bad, really painful all day.
Not eating tons, just normal decent portions. Snacking on raisins, sunflower seeds and hummus.
Started to wake up much easier, eyes opened without stinging.

Day 6
Legs and back were really aching - lack of lactic acid? Not sure. Sean recommended I eat more bananas which I promptly did.
Like in a computer game when your character collects health and immediately benefits from it... it was like magic. Instant relief after a couple of bananas.
Ate the spicy rice and made a chick pea curry which was really lovely.

Day 7
Realised that the menu Kath created was really good and a good idea but a person needs a bit of variety and more than just the few same old nutrients, clearly I was missing things so needed to get more variety in this week.
Up with the larks, well Hayden, and pretty full of energy. Ate muesli for breakfast.

Day 8
Kath was making a roast, with roast pork and I was to just have the vegetables. I could really stand for that so had some pork. Not detox, but as I had been a full week I figured I could.
I decided to reintroduce salt back into my diet in general, for flavourings as everything in the past few days had really needed it.

Day 9
Up with ease, no aches or pains, back ache gone, legs fine. Got to work easily and way ahead of time. Had spicy rice for lunch but went home as Kath was ill. Took the afternoon off to try to give her some rest and help out - didn't do a good job.
Because Kath had not been able to go shopping I had to do it. It was late and I was really starving. I'd been relying on her to make the meals or at least have a focus on what to eat, but today was no good - I wanted healthy but was in that 'I need something fast and I'm ill prepared' mode. Normally this would result in a MacDonald's or something. I really didn't want to go that route, so I got a rotisserie chicken from the supermarket.
God it was tasty. My whole taste and smell for food is heightened.
Normally I could probably polish off a whole chicken, but I only ate the breast and leg and was quite full.

Day 10
Took the morning off of work to help Kath - again she'll probably tell you I didn't do a good job!, But it was still non-stop with the kids and I got some more shopping in. Detox was expensive when I last did it in the UK, and it;s not as expensive here, but we're still low on cash for this period and so couldn't' stock up on an entire week.
I bought Tabbouleh with cous cous and Falafel.
Huge Detox mistake!
Kath thought she'd seen cous cous in the recipes and it was OK. I read the packet and discovered it had wheat in it (but I didn't think that that was the cous cous, I thought it meant some other ingredient).
In the evening I had the most terrible cramps and wind EVER. I was doubled up in pain and farting for hours.
I read the book and the reintroduction of wheat in to your normal diet can cause bloating and wind. and cous cous was a wheat product.

It highlighted to me how bad wheat is, and that I often have stomach troubles could be related to wheat. So I'll have to be very wary of this in the future.

Day 11
Made a chick pea curry again last night which was really nice and just had it for lunch. I think pasta dish is on the menu tonight.

So 3 more days left.
I will have to reintroduce things carefully and slowly, after last nights wheat incident.
If anything I've learnt what I don't need and I no longer crave anything. My limbs are already benefiting, no clicking bones, no aches. My posture is much more improved, just standing I can stand with a straight back and it feels right. I've been able to sit on the floor and play with Hayden, jump p from the sofa to grab the remote.
Before everything was a chore and was difficult.
Even tying my boot laces might put me a bit out of breath if I was all padded up in winter garb. But now I can lean over and tie no problem.

what a state I was in!

I really hope I can continue with this healthy way, I'll be reintroducing fish and meat as soon as it's done, and I'll be drinking coffee again (I never drank much anyway) but I'm going to watch out for bread and wheat stuffs and all my meat I'll be careful to note how it's cooked, avoiding where possible the fried stuff, and including decent vegetables, like baked potato instead of fries etc.
I did weigh myself at the start of day 2, but I haven't since. I don't think I've lost a lot of weight and that wasn't the aim, but I'm sure I've benefited.

Check back in 3 days to find out :)


Tsung said...

Good job so far, bad news about Hummas is it is high in fat (compared with other condiments like ketchup / mustard). So what you gain from it's high fiber content you may lose from it's fat content.

I'd also say do not deny yourself the foods you enjoy. If Kath does a roast have some; worse thing you could do is deny yourself some food you will just crave it more.

It's all in moderation I know it's easy to type/say but really it is.

Upon saying all that, I didnt bother going to the Gym at all in Jan and still managed to lose 2 1/2lbs :O. It's a struggle to lose weight now as I think I'm hitting my limit at 15 stone. :S

Doucha said...

Nice, well now that I feel better the Detox has ending per se, but the food has been healthy salmon etc, although some pastry with it but as you say it's fine if I have it every now and then. Tomorrow I'm starting kickboxing- well I'm going to go check it out at least. With the extra energy and well being I have from the detox I can happily start some exercise now and it won't be 'as' difficult

lol I think if you were less than 15 st you'd look particularly gangly and wierd ;) so you goal in just avfew months is nothing short of amazing - well done dude I hope I can achieve on par results