Sunday 17 January 2010


Having worked so much since end of November, what with Xmas as well, and before crunch having Taryn and visitors, I've probably been eating to worst diet ever.
MacDonolds where possible, having no lunch ready so heading out to Brits or Piazza Joes. Xmas and New Year, of course, chocolates, desserts, cheeses - beer, wine.

It's been taking it's toll and the past week or so sitting for 12 hours a day in the same chair eating pizza for dinner has really begun to show, feel and affect me.

So, today I start 14 days of Carol Vorderman's Detox :)
I've done it before, a few years back for 28 days, so I'm sure that I can keep it up for 14 days. After which there's got to be a change in general. I'll not become some sort f health freak - that will never happen :) But regular exercise and healthy eating in general or for the most part.
I'm confident that I/we can do this, because it's not just some New Year fad - it's been in the running on on our minds for some months now, but we needed to really wait until the right time. Anything up until this week would have immediately failed due to the workload and being ill prepared.
But on Friday, Kath did a shop and laid out this week's meals for me. She's also partaking in the food, but using it as a healthy meal - so may add salt, cheese or other 'normal' stuff.
Breakfast then was a delicious Mango Smoothie, made with fresh mango's and Almond milk.

Lunch was a bowl of Rice pasta with various beans. Both were really tasty actually and filling. And these recipes we feel we can use in the future for a healthy meal, but maybe adding some grilled chicken or something.

For the next 14 days though, it's no meat. No milk, no dairy, no tea, coffee, no bread - nothing.
Pulses, grains, nuts, fruit, green tea, water and beans.
Sound like hell, but I know that the Thinking Man's Toty has made some really nice tasty meals out of all this and by the end of it, I know I'll be able to get out of bed without me neck clicking my bowls bubbling and my legs straining to stretch and my eyes stinging.
And all without any exercise.

I'm not going to blog the whole thing, I may report in about it - but we'll see in 14 days time what a difference it made.


Jo said...

Can't we at least have before and after pics?

We're starting our regime today. We're doing it with some of the guys at Mark's station and the group has been nicely named 'Cat Funts'.

They're all coming over for a weigh in on the Wii Fit this afternoon.

We have museli and yoghurt for breakfast, wholemeal bread and tuna (food choices are a bit limited out here, esp on the fresh fruit and veg front, so we're not cutting out bread and dairy - just restricting it) I'm already starving!

Good luck to us all.

Wahboasti said...

No Tea?!? Are you fucking mad???

Doucha said...

I have green tea - Tarry Lapsong Crocodile and Black Dragon Oolong from the good people at the tea shop in Yorkshire we found so many years ago ownSown to my dregs of Lapsang now and Kath keeps telling me to have the Silver Needles - but not without Dave I tell her... Not without Dave!

Tsung said...

Good luck with the Detox, I errmm, sorta started doing this diet thing back in September. I was 18st 4lb, now im 15st 6lb =)

However, it is not easy, reducing what I eat whilst increasing exercise (found a local gym stuck to CV machines I dont mind (bike / X trainer mainly)).

Anyways, my top tip is Soup for lunch.. Not the sort you buy in the Supermarket in tins (thou' I did start this way). Now I make my own on a Sunday and tub it up for the week ahead. Ofc, this relies on having a microwave to nuke it @ work.

Doucha said...

Wow that's a good reduction Kev 18st? you must have been piling it on this past year!!


Well the detox is the start of something more healthy, I'm not an excercise person and there's no point pretendig or trying as it will end up in 'fail'.

However I do plan on biking to work as soon as the weatehr is better and keeping the healthy food options going.