Wednesday 6 January 2010

Terry Plough

A few weeks back when it first snowed, me and Hayden built a snowman. This was him and the view from our front door.

As it drew closer to Christmas, the weather changed, it became warm and the snowman died. All that was left of him the day before Christmas eve was the small blob of white you see on the lawn.

We thought we would be guaranteed a white Christmas, and suddenly it was looking bleak. We heard tales from the UK about motorways being shut down and thick heavy snow at least an inch deep. I was gutted - first Christmas away in a country that one would think would be white in December and I was going to miss the first white Christmas in the UK in years!

Then, on Christmas eve we had a snow fall that lasted all day... what a difference a day makes!

I love the snow.
Except I don't like Mr Terry Plough :(

You see he drives along the main road every morning pushing the snow off to one side allowing the traffic to continue as normal (unlike in the UK :p)
But... he just leaves it piled up in front of your drive!

So every morning I have to go out and hack away at an ice wall that's about a foot high before I can drive my car out - it takes an easy 15 minutes, and whilst it's not great exercise I have to wrap up and by the time I'm finished, I'm swaeting and need another shower before I go to work.

I figured I'd keep it going, but it's really becoming a chore... fast.
Our driveway is long enough to fit 4 cars front to end and I have to clear it - if I don't it'll just build up and build up and soon become so solid that our car will just bank up and get stuck on it or rip something off of the bottom.

Look how deep it can get after a couple of days of snow!!

I'm seriously considering hiring Steve's Snow Removal to clear the driveway - they cost about $300!!! but they just constantly clear the driveway twice, thrice, forps! a day, whenever it falls for the whole season for that price. It's a bargain I tell you, digging and hacking at this stuff every morning is like pimping... it ain't easy!

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