Monday 6 April 2009


Now my adventure in this land with this new job can begin proper.
This house now has atmosphere, a presence.
This is because of course it's April 6th... and that is Canada Day... well it is for me and my family as we have finally reunited after all this time.
I'm telling you, if you're thinking of emigrating and starting a new job - BRING YOUR WIFE AND KIDS WITH YOU!!!
Never again will I leave them, I don't care about the finances and contracts and doing the right thing, they go when I go and vice-versa.
I met another guy from the UK working for Bight games the other day, been here about a week less than me, and he's not even willing yet to let his wife quit work and sell the house in the UK until he's sure that his position is safe!
I know how he feels it was the one major risk and fear factor I had to go through, I made the decision to say sod it - but finances and job commitment meant that Kath had to stay on to work her notice.
I don't know how he can manage - he told me all the same things I've been feeling - been doing many of the same things as I... but he's still got 2-3 months left of it!
I pity him, I don't think I could take much more without them here, but here they are at last, and.... 'OWWW I feel good..... I knew that I would....'

So the plane was a little late (only 10 minutes) and I was able to get right up to the door. In Charlottetown there's no passport control or anything as I mentioned previous, I got quite nervous when I saw the plane taxiing into the terminal... strange...

Kath couldn't see me, but I could see her excitement as she ran with Hayden towards the entrance.

Hayden looked very stunned to see me :)

But he soon got over that, throwing his coat to the floor and screaming and dancing with joy - showing off his new Clone Wars T-Shirt from Uncie Nohj or Uncie Nutter, or some uncie... I didn't quite catch it ;)

Kath looked exhausted, not good being pregnant and have to fly, let alone manage the stuff, the cat and the boy - who has suddenly, in the last 2 months become an Olympic athlete. Apparently he'd been running around so much all day, and at Halifax came out of the toilet to tell a crowd of people that...

'It was a great poo'

LOL, that's my boy!

I told you about that cow at the airport didn't I?....

Well, we stopped off for the drive thru KFC, which I walked into....

spent 5 minutes waiting to be told there was only 3 pieces of chicken and it would be 20 minutes for some more. Having already spent $1-2 whilst the cab waited (they go to drive thru's, but charge $1 for every minute over 5) we got a MacDonald's instead.

Hayden could not wait to see his new 'pink' house, and kept telling us all about the shark that was attacking the roof of the taxi cab..?!?

Well in order to get them acclimatised to the time zone I endeavoured to keep them up for as long as possible. Kath managed a shower, and fell asleep on my lap. Ahhh...

Hayden on the other hand managed at least a further 30 minutes. He'd been up since about 5am and had not slept all day. To him it was 2:30am before he finally crashed out.

I put him in his new room, which is full of his toys. I could tell that he was scared and apprehensive of the place and the room, but he wouldn't let on. He may be only 2years 8 months, but he knows things.

He knows that he's got to enjoy his room, and be comfortable there so he pushed through the fear and let him self sleep.

I'm glad, he wanted of course to sleep with us, and as much as that would be nice on his first night, it's also nicer that he feels comfortable straight away, otherwise it'll only prolong the angst for days to come.

So here he is, all asleep and happy.
Kobi is keeping watch over him. It seems they've developed a close relationship since I've been gone, Kobi seemed very protective and is guarding the doorway to Hayden's bedroom :)

I sit now with a glass of red, and decided to update the blog. I'm not accustomed to going to bed at 11pm, and would normally be down at Dooly's until close, but I'm going to finish this blog, run a spell check on it and head off to kip.

Because, I feel good :)


Kjan said...

Congrats to all 3 of you :)

You have a dream job in a beautiful country along with your lovely wife and child and another along the way, who can ask for more?

Will no doubt speak to you on skype soon but glad Kath made with Hayden and koby :)

Jo said...

awwwww, that's made me all teary! So happy you guys are all together again.

you're a lucky lucky bunch, and deserve every happiness.

sending you all loads of love


Doucha said...

Cheers guys, it's been hard going, and Hayden has changed a lot. But finally we can go for it and have no fallback. This is a good thing :) We MUST succeed!!