Monday 27 April 2009

Edge Magazine

Remember a couple of months ago I told you about that bloke from Edge magazine came visiting to do an article on PEI, and the games industry here?
Well the article is out in this months Edge magazine. I'm sorry I've been late with this information, however you may still be able to grab a copy in the UK news agents (I think it's April, look for the page shown below if you want to purchase it), but weather you can or cannot purchase it if you want to read the article for free, in which 'Beep' - my boss, and several other major players from the other studios in Charlottetown explain why they chose PEI as a location for basing so many games companies you can read the full article by clicking on the picture below.

This will take you to a website where you'll see links for each page of the 18 page article that you can read through :)
Happy reading, it's quite interesting I thought...


Kat said...

Well done babe on the game and working so hard, Hayden and I really do appreciate, even tho you play Quake and enjoy yourself!

Doucha said...

Need to play games.... just like Dave must sample beer. It's his trade, it's research.... same goes for me.
Playing games = research - I don't enjoy games anymore.... too busy analysing them.
Except Quake :)