Friday 16 October 2009


Here's some pics of Taryn's first week on Earth... in no particular order.
First up, I decided that she'd been too wrapped up and cuddled. I looked back over my old website for Hayden and we were much 'harsher' with him, getting him to deal with the environment and people as soon as he popped out (perhaps it was because of the home birth?). And perhaps it's because she's a cute tiny little baby girl, that I just want to wrap her up and not let anything get near her?.
However that'll do us no good if she can't handle the unrelenting bitter cold that is reality.
I can't handle a screaming baby... and I know for a fact that they aren't delicate - you can throw them about and everything.. .they're quite robust! ;)
So off came the triple layers and swaddling blankets, and she was pulled from the cradling arms of her mummy - much to mummy's dislike :(
It's not like it was freezing in the house! But after a bit of initial moaning, she soon got used to it, and is now much more happy when her nappy gets changed... so I think it was worth it.

But she's so cute all wrapped up!!!
Her eyes were quite badly bruised as her elongated head was squeezed into existence. So it was nice to see her finally opening both eyes and focusing on things... me.... taking a picture... through a ring...
Here's T4Z... asleep, after happily looking around and making happy baby sounds from 10pm to 1am!
I took this picture, carefully lifted her up and took her upstairs, placed her in her crib and checked the time - 1:33am.
5 minutes later she got restless and demanded more food! I let Kath deal with that one :)

Aside from feeding more than any baby I've ever had! She sleeps more than any baby I've ever had! When she's not hungry or tired she spends her time being cute and gorgeous or exhaling a huge sigh of relief after making a horrid gurgling sound from her bottom!
So when she wasn't feeding or squeezing one out, the other night, we got to have a family game of Space Hulk :)
Monopoly is for the weak!

In the UK we were told by the 'authoritaa' that we could not bath Hayden until his umbilical cord had fallen off. But here in Canada they said 'go right ahead eh?'.
So she had her bath and absolutely LOVES the water...

After the bath, comes the basting. A good baste with Olive oil.. Filippo Berio Extra Virgin only for my girl. Same stuff used on Hayden, and he has wonderful skin.
Hayden enjoys helping on this bit.

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