Friday 16 October 2009

Granddad Russell

So My Dad arrived on Wednesday afternoon, our first visitor from the UK :).
His original plan was to be here to help take Hayden when Kath went into labour, as she was due on the 23rd October - his week and a half early arrival should have sufficed.
Of course Taryn insisted on being earlier!

But at least now Hayden has his Granddad to play with and chat to, giving us some much needed time out. It's been difficult to try to deal with Taryn and involve Hayden or keep him busy. Our best solution was to sort of take one child each... then swap... then do stuff together... lather, rinse, repeat.
The difficulty is that Hayden is non-stop all day long, and Taryn awakes at 10pm!
So the ability to offload Hayden for a bit without offending him is awesome, and of course he's glad to have Granddad rather than us anyway! LOL

So glad in fact that I tried to get a picture of the two of them together after dad arrived, like 5 minutes after, but Hayden became a blur pulling dad upstairs to play with him...

This snap was the best I could manage!

A few hours later and a knackered Grand Father got to sit down for a bit and get the biggest cuddle in the world.

Taryn dressed for the occasion wearing her 'I Love Granddad' top. She got to meet him several hours after he arrived, when Hayden was finished showing him the house, his toys, his Lego, his Lego XBOX games, and reciting tales of adventure with his friends Locki, Conner, Obi-Wan, Anakin and Count Dooku!!?!!?

A couple of days have gone by now, and Hayden is happy to play upstairs and has no trouble helping change nappies and bath baby... because at the end of it he gets a present from Granddad.
It's all bribery really, but it's working... to a degree. Dad has bought so many toys for him, we felt it best that he drip feeds them over the stay here and that way we get Hayden to behave... hmmm...
Not sure if that will actually make things bad int he long run but.. regardless, in two weeks time Grandad Lee and Nanny Noodles visit, bringing with them probably double what dad brought - so either way the guy's going to get a ton of new presents.
It should all help to ease him into the fact that his cuddles and time now has to be shared a bit without leaving him resentful.
That's the plan anyway ?!?

Taryn got her first silver. A bracelet, that is engraved. She seemed pleased :)

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