Wednesday 28 October 2009

Red Letter Date

It was exactly one year ago, 28th October 2008, that I happened upon Other Ocean and bumped into 'Beep', the big boss lady at the Games Career Fair in the Old Truman Brewery in London.
That was a life changing day and everything on this blog started from that point.

Beep and some others are over in England right no, in London at the career fair again, looking for more talent, programmers, artists, producers - you name it. Both for here and for the Newfoundland studio.

A whole year since those friendly Canadians at Bight Games got me chatting - and I played Street Fighter 4 for the first time. A whole years since I first heard of Prince Edward Island and got excited about the prospect of moving and living on this awesome island.

Well - it's been eventful :)
We've since, rented our house out.
Paid out a ton of money to get rid of debts and ship all our stuff.
I spent 3 months away from Kath and Hayden.
Kath gave up her career as a teacher to become a housewife.
I started a new job and a new career.
We've met a tons of awesome new friends.
We've been camping, ate Oysters, Lobster and fish like never before.
Bought a car - with cash.
And had a new baby daughter.

And now I guess, that adventure may start again for someone else in London today if Beep employs them :)

LOL, good luck to them, it's been a difficult but thoroughly worthwhile trudge for us, and I don't regret a thing... except ever fixing my mortgage for 7 years.. .doh!

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