Wednesday 7 October 2009

Work Pressure

I do not feel pressured thus far in the games industry - or at least at Other Ocean.

At HRC, the main problem of pressure was getting marking done and then having to nag and push students to get their work in. It was stressful, but in a different way. I always found it 'physically' demanding.
When I was doing my MSc the pressure was definitely on and much more draining mentally. Most of the time it was to complete tasks and homework for portfolio, much of which I did not know. The physics module in particular I did bad at and felt very stressed with the late nights and getting nowhere.
In the beginning I even found DirectX really difficult with the pace of the course and didn't think I'd get through it - I ended up getting 85% on that module, but it was not easy. Kath was pregnant, and I was working full time, I used to stay up til all hours and I worked as much as possible in college, whilst teaching. I tried as much as possible to get students onto tasks that would take up the two hour lessons and I'd sit and do my MSc stuff alongside. I didn't neglect them, just did both at the same time - and perhaps neither as well as I should have.
Since the MSc I tried to concentrate back onto teaching, striving to get higher observation grades and setting the course right. I didn't succeed very well no matter how hard I tried with the observation grades, consistently getting 'ok' - never 'good'. And this was a lot of stress to try to get right, only to then fail.

But for the past 7 months there have been deadlines and there has been a lot of work, and a few late nights with Dream Chronicles, but no pressure or stress. My hobby was coding... but now that's my day job I have been able to fall back into my old hobbies, like Space Hulk and Talisman, and spending time vegging with the family and I look forward to painting again.
Only now has there been any real pressure.
And it's actually not from Other Ocean directly. We have a deadline to meet for the 15th for our publisher and the deadline is 'dooable'. However Kath has started to feel a difference in the baby's position and the cat has been all over her and sleeping nearby. The last time he was that clingy, Kath gave birth to Hayden :)
So she's feeling and thinking it's going to be pretty soon. She's due on the 23rd and Hayden was a week early.
So the work pressure I now feel is that if she does drop, I'm going to need/want to be off for my 5 days baby leave, but it's looking increasingly like it may coincide with this deadline.
At the moment I'm the only one who can produce a couple of the things for the deadline, simply because bringing another coder up to speed on it will take too long.
Add that to the fact that we have yet another public holiday - Thanksgiving, on Monday and there would be little hope of making the deadline at all.
Christian, who's lead on the project, told me not to worry and that we, the family, come first - which was great to hear. But I can't help feeling a bit of pressure suddenly to get it all done, in case Kath drops.

So... for the next few days it's going to be early mornings - LOL - I await Kaths comment to that statement - and late evenings in the hope that I can get it done.
And it's dumb really I'm putting that stress on myself, because she s not due until 23rd, so if she doesn't give birth I could go to work normally and complete with no real problems, no stress. Silly me I guess, but I don't like not having things done that are supposed to be done when it comes to the profession.

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