Saturday 16 January 2010


Another Saturday goes by. Still crunching.

This crunch is real bad for such a piddly project - been in late since November 25th.

We have GM on Monday (Which is Gold Master) i.e. the gold master CD version of the game - finished.. shipped.

This is not going to happen. Despite having worked our asses off for a month and a half the upper end publishers (who we have to appease because it's their IP) give us feedback... TODAY, and want changes on a ton of stuff. The really annoying thing? Some of the stuff commented on is stuff that they've had and been seeing and playing with since November - some since July!!!
It's pathetic.

I really don't mind working late to fix a bug - a proper bug. I'll stay here until midnight every night for a week with no complaints if my code is causing a crash (or I should say our code - if it's something I can help debug). But adding features and overhauling stuff on a whim is just nasty.

I mean if they don't like the way the water sprays on the sheep then mull it over for a week and add it to the feedback. Log a request.
But that sheep has been getting wet that way since August, and they've had it in their hands and playable since then. In fact it's been the most talked about level because the others weren't done until early December.
And they log a bug about it today - and because it 'THEM' we HAVE to address it.
Now everything is possible, and I'll rewrite huge chunk of code to make a game more playable and better. But with GM on Monday it means that I can't fix it or rewrite those chunks of code over normal work ours - I'll have to strain to do it as quick as possible i.e. Tuesday which would mean another late on Monday. And of course the reason we're in again on Saturday.

Thankfully there is a bright side to my lack of family interaction and burn out. Due to the fact that it IS NOT my piece of code that's hanging things up - never was any of our code, just simply an unrealistic schedule and poor publisher feedback turnaround - we DO get paid overtime, as we're required in.

So that's something.

So... still no time for pictures of the house then LOL


Tsung said...

Omg that sounds like a nightmare, publishers changing their minds after having the "features" for several months.

Makes me wonder if they were originally happy with it, played and played with it, got bored and decided to change it.

Doucha said...

No... more like they just didn't look at it.
Probably one person took an overview, but once it gets near the end all of a sudden a 'real' meeting is called and everyone gets envolved and then Jenny, the tea lady, thinks that don't look nice so they bug it.. LOL