Saturday 16 January 2010


I'm meeting up with Kath in a minute.

One of the guys who used to work here - Jax, a Gordie - is moving back to Vancouver. So we're all going to have a send off and some drinks.

I'm at work, at my desk now with a glass of Tequila that Jason's sister brought back from Mexico... there's a worm in the bottom and everything.

I shall be happy tonight :)


Jo said...

Enjoy the drink and the time with the wife!
I'm sat here drinking a lovely Chilean Rose the colour of which matches the plaster cast my foot is now in (ok so the plaster is brighter but pink all the same!)

Have to say it though, the health service over here ROCKS!.

Admission to A&E to getting seen - 5mins.
Referal to Xray to actually being xrayed - 20mins (because the radiographer was called in and took 15mins to drive in)
Xray to diagnosis - 10mins
Diagnosis to plaster room - 15mins (again the guy had to be called in)

Taken in, treated and home( with stacks of pain killers) in just over and hour. And all free! Love it.

Jo said...

forgot to say - fell off my horse and somehow broke (rather badly according to the doc) my big toe. it bloody hurts!

Doucha said...


We're thinking of going snowboarding in a week or so's time... if I break anything, I'll let you know about the speed and care I recieve ;)