Monday 5 January 2009


Xmas come and gone.

Spent New Year in Plymouth and said goodbye to all of Kath's side of the family. Started to hit home finally saying real goodbyes to people.

Saw my closest friends on Friday, to say goodbye, that got a bit emotional. I am honoured by these reactions, but strangely I'm not yet feeling any sense of loss or worry. I know that my friends and family will be here if it all goes pear shaped, next week or in 20 years. That's a great comfort.

The last of the family and friends came round for a final game of poker (which I lost), and now I look forward to spending tomorrow and Wednesday with the boy and Kath only before I leave them for 3 months :(

It's very stressful trying to sort things out last minute. Selling the Skyline has become a nightmare, much in the house to still be done, but worse than anything - my Work Permit is still not here!!!

I fly in 3 days time, I need it within the next 2!!.
Not looking good.

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