Thursday 22 January 2009


Still no Work Permit, it's now been 2 weeks since I should have flown to Canada.
I've been unemployed now for 2 weeks and lost that amount of pay, all because the Canadian High Commission are taking far longer than they said, with no explanation.

I sent them a begging e-mail on Monday, but yesterday I got a non-committal response, saying it's 'awaiting' review by a visa officer. God knows how long it'll be!

On the 'plus' side, I managed to invite Dave and Big Si down, and Nutter came round for an epic Talisman game all day long, with plenty of coffee, beer and rotisserie chickens.

Big Si actually seemed to enjoy being a Minster!

Just like an unemployed bum who might soon end up on Jeremy Kyle, I ignored the boy and the wife all day and stayed up drinking until 6am...

This coming Monday the removal people are coming to the house to take our entire contents to Canada... and I'm not even there yet!!

Very stressed indeed now.... :(

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