Friday 9 October 2009

Taryn Phoenix Rajamanie


I told you the cat knew something was up. After the last post I went to bed at about midnight. At 5am I was rudely awoken by the cat, spilling a pint of water over my face (he's NEVER in his life done anything like that, never knocks things over and never plays around on the bedside cabinet.
We had to change the sheets.
After that Kath could not sleep and kept fidgeting about. The cat kept bounding about up and down the stairs making a racket.
2 hours later at 7:15am Kath's water's broke. Really good timing having it happen in the morning like that, up we got, changed the sheets... again... and got ready to run. Hayden awoke and before he had a chance to say anything we were shoving him out the door to go and play with his friend Loki all day... he didn't mind at all and ran into Megan's house not even bothering to say 'good luck'!! ;)

We drove to the hospital and Kath began the labour process. Longer than last time and much more painful for her. It started proper at about midday and at 4:09pm Taryn came flying out into the doctor's arms... then as usual was tossed aside for a moment whilst the rest of Kath was sorted out... eeewww.

Bat Out Of Hell.
It was awesome. I was able to watch the birth this time, with Hayden I was in the Kitchen messing about with the hose pipe for the birthing pool and missed his arrival, but not this time.
We had the iPod playing music, chillout, up until the point when the nurse said Kath was fully dilated, and then (at Kaths request), I stuck MeatLoaf on.
Her head was nearly out before Bat Out Of Hell was finished, but she finally came flying out to the nurses and doctor singing the lyrics:
Rock n roll and brew, rock n roll and brew
They dont mean a thing when I compare em next to you
Rock n roll and brew, rock n roll and brew
I was very happy to see my little baby daughter :) and proud of Kath for getting her out as she was a lot more painful this time, I could tell....

The first reveal to Kath. Weighing in a decent 7lbs 12 oz, not bad considering she's 3 weeks early. Definitely much chubbier than Hayden was.

She looks to have red hair and brown eyes, although today they look a lot lighter, so we'll see over the next few days.

She was struggling to open her eyes, but you could see the concentration and effort to focus on things close up to her face. She was quiet and made only that pathetic whimper every now and then. Here in Canada it's a law (apparently) to give the baby's some ointment in their eyes and they also give an injection of Vitamin K. It's was not pleasant seeing the expression on her face at having a needle poked into her leg. I almost cried with her, it took her breath away and she couldn't even scream, there was surprise in her hers and then horror, top lip wavering... not nice to watch. She forgot it pretty quickly though once she was back against my chest and I took her back to mummy for some food.

I went home and picked up Hayden who's been with Megan, Amanda, Loki and Conner all day. I had phoned him to tell him I had a present for him... a little sister and he was jumping for joy shouting.. 'I got it, I got my sister! ' He ran out the house to the car desperate to meet her and see Kath again.
We had dinner and watched X Factor on my laptop. The two of them fell asleep.

Although much chubbier than Hayden was, Taryn looks EXACTLY like him when he was born. I have just delved into our past photos and here are some comparisons.

Below LEFT is Hayden 3 years ago about 6 hours after he was born.
RIGHT is Taryn about 1 hour old.

LEFT = Hayden, RIGHT = Taryn

The Raj Foot. Hayden again to the left anf Taryn to the right. Her foot is quite a bit bigger than his was, but not as mature, should have more wrinkles, so I'm going to see what it's like next week.

And here's Mother and Daughter together this morning

So work is great about it. In fact the producer and lead have pushed back our deadline with the publisher's until 23rd which will allow me to get in and complete stuff week after next... so gone has that pressure :)

I'm off now today and all next week. The company gives us baby leave, about 5 days, on top of holidays so that's going to help. Kath will be good again by then, and my Dad will be here to help her out. At last maybe she can come out and sample the awesome rare and bleu steaks at Sims Steakhouse and partake in some PEI Lobster Supper's.

Oh and have a drink :)

Hopefully Kath will be home tonight, she's going to check herself out, they try and keep mothers in for 2-3 nights, but Kath want's to get back here, so I'll be picking them up in about 3 hours time. Might blog again with a fimaly photo... one once we've had a wash and look a bit fresher than those above :)

Thanks to everyone for thier kind coments via SMS and e-mail.


Anonymous said...

great photos! If I didn't know better I'd say you'd cloned hayden - the two of them are identical babies!

Jo said...

so so so SO happy for you all. Sending you all my love, as is mark (and Miles, even thought he's too little to get it all!)

love and miss you all loads

Doucha said...

Thanks guys :)

It's a real shame you can;t get to meet and see her anytime soon, by the time you do she'l'l either be crawling... or running!? One or the other.