Saturday 14 March 2009


Fitted the main PC up today so am able to blog again.

Called Nutter on Skype and he has researched a little and helped me try to sort the laptop. I'm running 'ChkDsk' on it now, which will probably take all night. Hopefully this will allow me to at least access my photos and stuff.

Well, now my kitchen is sorted and I did a big shop the other day, Matt came round and cooked a curry with the use of my spices that were shipped over.

It was REALLY lush, the boy knows how to cook, and the great thing is, it was somewhat adlib with the various spices. JR called and said he was bored, so an impromptu poker night happened.
At this stage I feel that all Canadians are welcome.
If anyone has seen 'Bowling Columbine', by that Michael Moore bloke, you'll remember that he goes to Canada to ask why gun crime and violence, whilst rife in the US, doesn't exist here and he tests a theory. He had heard that Canadians don't bother to lock their doors, and he walks into some guys house, who's sat watching TV. Far from the guy asking 'who the hell are you?', in typical Canadian fashion, he just says 'Hey man, what's shaking?'
Well, it's all true, everyone is welcome, two people I'd never met, simply walked into the house and I wasn't bothered one bit :)
Of course they weren't complete strangers, and I was informed that they were heading over for poker, but still, I didn't feel the need to answer the door and be all formal, just left it open for them.
It's a liberating feeling, something that is just so alien in concept to us in the UK.
Here's our game anyway, Matt, Ryan, Chris, Me, JR and Christa.

Oh yeah, my house is smoke free. That cigarette you see on the table is an eCigarette ( uses some weird nicotine vapouriser thing, that activates when you suck it and even lights up the tip. The smoked still gets a hit, and exhales smoke. But it's more like vapour or the smoke from a Shisa, so doesn't stink up the house or anything.
Been sorting the study/dining room today and the PC. I'm going to hit Hayden's room tomorrow, fix up his bed and get the final stuff into boxes to put into the basement, then I can update the blog with some pictures of the house.

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