Tuesday 10 March 2009

No Blogging

My laptop harddrive seems to have failed at the weekend and I cannot get into it.
I tried blogging from my iPhone, but the text fields would not allow input.
My main PC at home is still not rigged up, so I am unable to blog.

This is a update from work. Well not much has gone on over the weekend anyway. Had some peeps around on Friday noght for Poker, but then have been sorting the house. Sunday was spent as a lazy day on the sofa watching season 3 of Battlestar Galactica... and 7 episodes of season 4 :) So not much happened that day.
Went shopping last night, got loads of meat and supplies so that I can finally make some food and bring in lunches and pasta, rather than living on sandwiches and take out...

will update with photos of the new house set up once I have my PC working or laptop fixed.

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