Sunday 1 March 2009

Jax's Birthday

It was Jax's birthday celebrations last night, they were meeting at 42nd Street for cocktails and then onward. Jax is a programmer from Geordie land who's worked for a few big companies, including EA (I think) in Vancouver.

I finished clearing up the house and washing, and was sat watching Tenacious D on TV, oh and Heroes. I wasn't feeling too well, got flu. However after some Neo Citran (Lemsip) and a rest it got to about 7:30 and I figured I would head out and have a few drinks. I hadn't eaten, and couldn't really face another microwave curry.

Anyway met up with them and had a Key Lime Pie Martini (which is as good as it sounds), then we moved on the The Olde Dublin pub.
What an amazing place, really good atmosphere, really good vibe, very much like a popular decent pub in England... the way they used to be, before they became posh wine/sports bars or poxy 'no music' WheatherSpoons. Proper.

The music was loud and a live band came on from Halifax, did some cool tunes including Sweet Child :), also Jazz Hands by the Scissor Sisters was played, and jazz hands was performed... by me... and me alone :(... ;)

For the first time I had Oysters and Lobster and it was awesome. A whole fresh lobster cost me just $29 CDN.

Matt took a picture on his iPhone as he was impressed by it's arrangement, considering this was just a pub.

Definitely a good place I'll try to head to more often. Guinness unfortunately is expensive however at $7.50.
Lots of people from work turned up and it was a different bunch to whom I normally hang out with, so it was nice to get to know them also.

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