Wednesday 4 March 2009


OK, I know it's Wednesday, but my house is now a complete tip. My stuff finally arrived on Monday and the guys unpacked it.
It sucked because I had to go to the airport (to Canada Customs) to sign for it at 9am. But they didn't arrive until 11am!!
Anyway, They had my container on this massive truck, it was tottally covered in ice (from the freezing rain), and they popped the seal to check that I wasn't harbouring any Chinese.
The seal is proof that it hasn't been opened since it left the port in England.

My house is on a corner of a small street, and this juggernaut could hardly fit there. The driver decided to reverse the container right up to the door and park across the road. He said "people can either go round or turn back eh?" :)
Well on Sunday Dave and Bob helped me destroy about 3 inches of ice out the front and I gritted it thoroughly to ensure these guys would not slip whilst carrying my stuff. Turned out unnecessary as the container door opened right onto the wooden steps, and straight into the house, so stuff didn't even hardly get wet.

I took this from the front door... That's how close it was

It was hectic as I had to verify each box number as they brought it in and tell them where to put it. Thankfully, White & Co in the UK had done a good job of marking each package with the source room it came from, for example Bed1, Bed2, Lounge etc. So they started being able to automatically put stuff in the correct room. This was their procedure, bring everything in, verify that nothing is missing and place it in the correct room.

Here's all the junk as the guys took off. I ended up tipping them, tipping is huge here in Canda... as are taxes, but.. when in Rome and all that $20 bucks each I though was more than generous.

Then they unpack it and place it in cupboards and stuff. They even help rebuild stuff and flat packed stuff, which White & Co said wouldn't happen.

So all my stuff is in, but I've basically moved a 3 bedroom house into a 2 bedroom, and it's really tight. As I have no shelving or cabinet space I have nowhere to put things. I'm going to need to buy some small cheap cabinet's for stuff.
Well I have many pictures and will update it when I can to this post, but I cannot easily get at the PC and do this right now as it's all a huge mess.
It was a milestone yesterday at work for the project I'm working on so we had to ensure it was ready for inspection by the publishers. Although we weren't behind it was still a very full day, and I didn't get out until 8pm.

I couldn't face going home last night, as I can't even step about or sit anywhere or use the cooker because there's just so much stuff piled high. So I ate out instead, then drank some so I could just go home and sleep without having to look at it.

A pint of tea from MacDonolds.... awesome!!!

Hopefully the lads are going to come round tonight and help me build the remaining cabinets, sort stuff and place stuff correctly in drawers. Don't get me wrong the removal men did a sterling job, they placed stuff in where they could, but as several cabinets need to be built and the kitchen is tiny, it inevitably got placed on whatever surface was available. To make matters worse, on Monday I had to run into work to fix some code that I'd done which was preventing the rest of the team from progressing to milestone. I felt responsible, so I went in and left these guys to unpack, they did their best, but if I'd been there I would have been able to perhaps get things a bit better - especially in the kitchen.

Anyway, hopefully after tonight it'll be much tidier with everything put away neatly, and anything that doesn't fit I can at least see and sort over the course of the week.

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