Saturday 28 March 2009


As Chris and Joe have hired a car and never been to PEI, they wanted to see a bit of it. Eager to see what the island is like I of course tagged along.
Today was a beautiful day, 8 degrees C, really sunny, and I got to take some pretty awesome pictures... better than last time when it was blizzarding on me :)

I liked the design of this house, and the land leading up to it. It's a bit too remote for my liking, many of the houses in this part of the island seems to be, but the actual builds looked pretty awesome. This was near Cherry Valley I think.
We did a long drive through Kings County, through Stratford and down the coast road all the way to Georgetown, it took us a good 4 hours.

I may not have mentioned this before, but the soil on PEI is red, this small river was flowing pushing out red clay as it went.

'Hayden Produce'... nuff said!

Here's Chris and Joe having a quick fag whilst I was taking pictures
This lighthouse was down at Wood Island, right next to the ferry crossing to Nova Scotia. We could see Nova Scotia on the horizon, for it was such a clear day. The sea is still frozen \o/

I've been to many places in the world, I've managed to travel a lot, and stay with the culture, rather than being a simple tourist. Sri Lanka after the Tsunami, Romania after the revolution...
But this is the most messed up thing I've ever seen!...

It's like the house caved in on itself, perhaps there was a hole under ground and it sunk? A well perhaps beneath? the whole thing has just... fallen into the centre of itself... it's... it's... messed up!

Below is near a place called Guernsey Cove. We managed to get down to the 'beach'. The sea here (being more open as it's to the east of the island) has begun to melt and ice bergs are floating about. It was incredibly calm... considering it was the sea - more like a pond.

Above where I was just standing is this house. This guy's decking is on the cliff top, overlooking the sea and Nova Scotia on the horizon. An awesome spot and a nice looking house, but it's a bit barren here, not much. Very rural and distant feeling - I would love to host a BBQ/party here and stay for the summer, but I don't think I could live here - it's just far too remote.
Nearest neighbour was like a whole field away (a big field!) and there's no gas station or even a convenience store anywhere nearby. But a great summer party location nonetheless :)
We headed to Murray River, hoping do some seal watching, but apparently they only come here in June/July time - I'll have to come back with Kath and Hayden to see them.
There's a hawk in this picture... can you spot it?

I'm sure I've seen this place before... it's very familiar...


On the bridge at Murray River I looked through the port holes below. Lo and behold it seems that the British tradition of throwing shopping trolleys into rivers made it to PEI after all!
LOL, the strange thing is there's not a supermarket anywhere in this small village!!!
We wanted lunch and were getting quite hungry. Montague had lots of places, but all big chain stuff, Wendy's, Mac Donald's, KFC, Pizza Delight etc. and we wanted a nice fish restaurant. Nothing was open, so we decided to continue to Georgetown, where we found there was not only nothing open.. but there was also... nothing.
Well there was a peer which we drove onto and I took this picture of a boat, the first I've seen here, managing to drive on the unfrozen bits of water. Looked like he was trawling for something.
Georgetown, very warm.

We cut back across the island to Charlottetown on highway 3, and it only took us about 30-40 minutes to get back, but it was really nice to take the scenic route today. Tiring.. but nice :)

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