Monday 9 February 2009

New friends

Well I finished scrubbing the kitchen, now that I have all these kitchen supplies. Auntie Ins called - the first person to call on my new number (if i discount the automated call about car warranties... or whatever the hell it was!)

A guy called Bob from work was moving house yesterday so I headed there at 1pm to help move the sofa's etc. We finished up off loading the van at his at around 5ish. The nightmare was this massive dresser which was well heavy. It was almost impossible to push it up his tiny staircase and then we had to rotate it, face up so that the drawers didn't fall open, over the banister.

His new ceiling did get a couple of dents in it... but considering how bloody heavy this thing was, and the fact that the drawers could NOT be removed (in case you were wondering), I think it was not too bad. He paid us in beer and pizza.
Good times.
At 6pm Christian came by to pick me up and take me to his place for more beer and food :)

Christian started at Other Ocean last January, in much the same circumstance as me (meeting them at the games career fair). He has been my contact since the beginning of this venture, and it was his wife Zoe who checked out the house for us back in November.

That's Christian with the long hair and Zoe in black. Mick and Lisa are a couple of Northerners who've been in Canada for a few years now.

Cristian and Zoes abode. It's frickin' awesome. The interior is massive and totally open plan. I felt it would be rude to photograph their home and post it up on the web, but the exterior is OK. It really is awesome and is situated on the north of the island, directly above Charlottetown. Things is there's nothing in this area, his neighbour is about half a kilometer away.

The house is brand new, they only moved in September. Unbelievably, this house, or one like it, costs only $200,000 CDN, which is about £109,000!!!! Imagine a house like this in Herfordshire!

The reason the houses are so cheap is because of the materials. Apparently they can build these things in about 2 months. Some special chipboard. Now this may sound crappy. In England we seem to have this idea that unless it's brick built, it'll be crap and fall down or be cold. But consider that this place has weather conditions 30x worse than in the UK. They don't fall down, they bend with the wind and they are REALLY warm.
This was one being built.

On the way home today Christian took me for a drive around the north part and over to North Rustico, along the shore.
Mr Tumnus, Mr Tumnus?

Driving over this bridge goes over part of the bay near Stanhope. The sea was frozen, but not in the middle area. Maybe it's too choppy?

One minute it's clear, the next... WHITE OUT. Chris seem to be unphased by the sudden blinding white and snow drifts across the road. The snow is so fine that it blows like dust and forms big, deep ridges across the road in minutes. You just have to plough through it. It's no place for my Nissan Skyline!!

The famous Stanhope Lighthouse :)

Blue sky?! Temperature changes are bizarre. Not an hour after being in a windy, -17C situation, the sun was out and it was all bright and cheerful again.
I took this picture of the rolling hills. It's hard to imagine what this place looks like in the summer, and what lies beneath all that white.

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