Friday 13 February 2009

Night Out

Well, sadly the project I was on and have been working on for the past couple of weeks got cancelled. Apparently this happens all of the time in the industry with publishers pulling the plug because they got some market research back or some other unknown reason. Whilst we all still get a wage (and in my case i was learning a lot), as programmers, games programmers, it's gutting that no one will ever see our work. We don't even get any credit, and I can't even tell you what it was! Quite frustrating and disappointing, I was looking forward to revealing what I've been working on, once we could give the word, but now no one will ever know.

Anyway, although it was a Thursday night, this disappointment meant that we would go out and have a few drinks. (lots actually).

I joined Doolys the other day, which is a pool hall.

Went out with Matthew. He's below, taking a shot. Matt's a designer at Other Ocean and has been here since the summer, all the way from India. He's a good laugh, and swears a lot. He designed the game we'd been working on, and is now annoyed that another developer may be sold the design, nicking his ideas. But he says he's gotten used to that happening now.

Pool is a girls game anyway!

This is quite different from how we play in England. You have to call each ball and each shot. If your opponent fouls (they call it a 'scratch') you get to place the cue ball anywhere on the table, not just behind the line. But you only get one shot - not two. A scratch does not occur if you pot your opponents ball!?, but bizarrely, after the cue ball has struck the ball you aimed for, one ball MUST bounce off of a cushion, otherwise it's a scratch!

This sucks, as you can't set up little snookers etc.
Here I am about to win :) Good times.

I only won 1 out of 5 games though.... Bad times.

After Doolys at about 22:30, Matt still wanted to go drinking, so we headed to Hunters bar for more beer. It's a lively place. First time I'd been there, but the barmaid was already on first name basis by the end of the night. Kim is below, and owes us a free pitcher of beer :)
I convinced her 'it was a scam' because she served us a pitcher and then called time just 5 minutes later. How the hell was two drunk guys going to finish 4 pints of really cold beer!

We gave it our best shot :), but she said next time we go in, she'd give us one for free. A pitcher that is ;)

These two guys were really good. Just playing two electric/acoustic guitars, and playing some good covers in a kind of.... country/rock/bluegrass way.

I mean, War Pigs... acoustic! I have uploaded a video of them doing Zombie by the Cranberries to YouTube. Click the image to view it if you want...

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