Monday 2 February 2009

Other Ocean

Finally here. The building is very nice, took this shot as I entered, before I went and 'knocked on the door'. We're on the top floor of the Atlantic Technology Centre, a glass roof at the top, covered in snow.
But it was very bright and sunny out this morning.

This is the corridor leading up to the studio. To the left is the Testing company 'Sculpin'. I was busy changing my boots, when I took this pic, and passers by were nodding... hmmm...
I decided to take a quick pic of the elevators - just because they were nice, fast, quiet and glass :)

It took a while, wasn't doing much all morning as the teams and senior programmer were busy. So I chatted and was introduced to everyone who wandered by and got my computer's set up and configured for e-mail and software etc. Surprisingly difficult.
It's quite casual, we can surf, go on MSN, there is iTunes and WinAmp installed to listen to music. The network admin guy, Shane, is very easy going... not like my last IT guy in my last job.. ahem!
But finally had a meeting and met a small team and was given a project. I'm not allowed to discuss any details of the project at all, but I can say that it'll be on the iPhone, which means a huge learning curve for me and quickly. I have a nice shiny Mac to develop on, not that I can use it - so different from Windows!! But it's a nice challenge and I'm partnered with a good guy, Fernando, who is also unfamiliar, so it'll be nice to collaborate and discover things alongside him.
Here's my desk anyway - I was very impressed, nice and roomy and a comfortable seat. Very quiet atmosphere as everybody is beavering away. It was fascinating watching the artists sketch away on the graphics tablets and make it look so easy!
By the way, those blinds are down and I took this at night, before I left, but the windows are here, and just out side you can walk around the entire building. Quite large about 6 odd feet, with chairs etc. They have BBQs up here in the summer :) Can't get out at the moment though as the snow is 2 feet up on the doors :)

I left at 7pm tonight, these guys were still working hard ;)


Kat said...


Kjan said...

If thats working hard then I'll gladly work there :p

Doucha said...

Heh heh, that's the producer on deadline day LOL

Florian Maurice said...

This looks awesome !

Doucha said...

It is awesome, I'm really enjoying going to work.. for the firsttime in YEARS!!